Friday, January 29, 2016


My elementary school teacher told me to never start a sentence with but
I love starting sentences with but
but i will be
I know everything I want to be, I am trying everyday

but i will be a great mother 
but i will be the most loving wife
but i will be a creative writer with good grammar 
               maybe one day
and yes I know those i's should be capitalized
  but i'm just not there yet
but i will be
but i will be the person you want to come home to
but i will be able to worry about myself and not focus so much on others

but i will be better at not letting the past define me
but i will be someone you look up to
but i will be able to forget you 
but i will be an open book to anyone who reads 
but i will be
but I will be better at not eating 13 cookies and feeling like death is upon me
but i will be better at the words i love you

maybe not as co dependent
maybe not as depressed
maybe not as anxious
maybe one day i won't start a sentence with but
 but as for me

i'm just not there yet